
Showing posts from January, 2019

Complete Python Database Project with sqlite3

Here You can learn how to load sqlite3 data into datagrid using Python . * How to Insert *How to Delete *How to Save *How to Load *Exit button code and *How to search (Screen Shot) **************************************** import os import wx import wx.xrc import wx.grid import sqlite3 import re import string import gettext cwd = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) def connect():         con_str = cwd + '/folder/Test.db'         cnn = sqlite3.connect(con_str)         return cnn         cnn.close() def data_rows():         con = connect()         cur = con.cursor()         cur.execute("SELECT * FROM DATA")         rows = cur.fetchall()         i = 0         for r in rows:                 i+= 1         return i def single_quote_remover(text):     return text.replace ("'","/") class Database ( wx.Frame ):         def __init__( self, parent ):         wx.Frame.__init__ ( self, parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, title =